Missing gloves.
How often do you lose a glove?
We all lose stuff: pocket change, knick-knacks, that one ol’ thingamajig. And socks. Socks might be the most-lost of all things we lose.
But gloves?
Yeah, gloves.
I wouldn’t have really thought this to be the case. I mean, I can’t recall ever losing a glove. Even living in New York City, where folks wear gloves for months at a time, I don’t remember missing gloves being a common problem amongst friends and coworkers.
But someone’s noticed that this was a silent epidemic and deemed it blog-worthy. For more than three years, missing gloves… in the street has posted photographs of lonesome gloves across the country, logging gloves’ under-appreciated plight.
missing gloves… in the street fascinates me. There are so many. Rubber. Surgical. Hipster. Some fingerless, some leather. Some filthy, and others brand spankin’ new.
Take a gander. See one of yours?